American Mountain School

American Mountain School

Ice Climbing Colorado

Ice Climbing Colorado

Guided Ice Climbing in Colorado

Discover the thrill of an unforgettable ice climbing adventure in Colorado with the American Mountain School, your gateway to the captivating world of ice-clad peaks and frozen cascades. Our guided excursions offer a unique opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes of Colorado while conquering vertical ice formations under the expert guidance of our seasoned professionals.

From the dramatic cliffs of Lincoln Falls and the icy allure of Lake City Ice Park to the enchanting challenges of Hidden Fall in RMNP and Secret Waterfall in Clear Creek Canyon, our certified guides lead you on an exhilarating journey through some of Colorado’s most renowned ice climbing destinations. Whether you’re a first-time climber or a seasoned adventurer, our tailored experiences cater to all skill levels, fostering a safe and supportive environment for your ice climbing aspirations.

At the American Mountain School, safety and education are paramount. Our experienced guides provide comprehensive instruction, ensuring you master essential ice climbing techniques while building confidence and proficiency. With a deep understanding of local terrain and weather conditions, our guides prioritize your safety, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of scaling frozen waterfalls and cliffs.

Join us for an unforgettable experience where every icy ascent is met with unparalleled guidance, support, and the opportunity to create enduring memories amidst the breathtaking winter landscapes of Colorado. Let the American Mountain School be your partner in unlocking the wonders of ice climbing, as you embrace the challenge and beauty of Colorado’s most captivating ice-climbing destinations.

Ice Climbing Locations in Colorado

If you want to ice climb in other areas contact us using the contact form..